Hazlet Pharmacy Inc.

Hazlet Pharmacy Inc.

Family owned and operated since 1959.

Choose a service to schedule


Shingrix (Shingles) Vaccination
SHINGRIX is an FDA-approved vaccine for the prevention of shingles (herpes zoster) in adults 50 years and older. It is given as a 2-dose series administered 2 to 6 months apart. Insurance is accepted, most insurances cover with $0 copay to the patient.
Flu (Influenza) Vaccine
An influenza (flu) shot is a flu vaccine given with a needle in the arm. Seasonal flu shots protect against the four influenza viruses that research suggests may be most common during the upcoming season. We offer both Senior and Regular Flu vaccines. Most insurances are accepted.
Pneumococcal Vaccine (Prevnar, Pneumovax)
Pneumococcal Vaccines help prevent pneumococcal disease, which is any type of illness caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. There are a few kinds of pneumococcal vaccines available in the United States. If you are unsure of which one you need, we will determine which one is right for you.
Most Insurances are accepted.
Other Vaccines (RSV/Tdap/Hepatitis/Meningitis)
Other vaccines offered are:
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)
Tdap (Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Diphtheria)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B

Prices vary, most insurances accepted.

Medicare Review

Medicare Review For 1 Person (Click Link Below) (call for appointment)
Medicare Part A, Part B, Supplemental, Part D, and Medicare Advantage Plans are extremely confusing. Schedule a Medicare review with Jerry to discuss the options available to you. Whether you are new to Medicare, or it's the annual open enrollment period, this review will help you navigate the confusion of Medicare enrollment.
Directions 2874 State Highway 35, Hazlet, NJ, USA