Deborah Young Astrology
All Sessions with Deborah Young focus on relevant areas of your life's story.

(Please note that appointments are only booked a few months in advance, so currently you will only see available days for the next number of months.
Please check back later if you intend to book a date that has not been made available for bookings yet, - we will open future months on a regular basis. )

Choose a service to schedule


Astrological Skype, Zoom or Phone Consultation - $195
Astrological Consultation - $195
Please Note:
In-House Consultations are currently no longer offered, all consultations will take place via Zoom.
Hypnosis Session - $195
Hypnosis sessions are offered for the following: Over-eating, smoking, alcohol and gambling addiction. Phobias and fears. Past-life history.

Online Workshops

Spiritual History - $220
Discover the mysteries of your soul's journey. Uncover the secrets of your past lives and discover how they intricately weave into the tapestry of your current life.
Two Sundays, 4 hours each, April 14th and 21st, 10am to 2pm.
Chiron: The Wounded Healer - $120
Making friends with you deepest wounds and learning how to work with them in practical and profound ways.

Online Classes

Level III Astrology Class - $220
Now things get super interesting! We will venture into deep space with the study of Neptune and Pluto. We will then launch into the 5 major aspects. This is where Astrology truly comes alive! We will see how the aspects individualizes each Chart! Does your Sun Sign dance sweetly with Jupiter or is it challenged by Saturn? This level takes you deeper into this wise tradition. I would call this level the 'threshold' level!
The class is a series of six sessions, 2 hours each.
Advanced Astrology Sessions - $220
Six class sessions, 2 hours each.
We will be exploring new territory as we go deeper into space, studying fixed stars. A review of planetary patterns with a solar arc focus.
Level 6 Astrology Class - $220
We will dive deep into Progressions and Solar Arcs, the two main techniques for both predictive astrology and your personal evolution.
The class has six sessions, 2 hours each.