Island Hill Farm Inc.

Island Hill Farm Inc.

Birthday Party at IHF - $460
Note: Booking Price Includes Tax.

Planning a shindig? Look no further than our Island Hill Farm hotspot!
Jelly Bean Lane is your spot for birthday parties, exclusive events, farm frolics, and all-around fun! We have the location for your to dream up your own special party - rain or shine, we've got you covered. With plenty of parking, your bash is all set!

Your party kicks off with two hours of pure fun. We recommend spending an hour in Jelly Bean Lane with your own planned games, unwrapping gifts, and birthday cheers (maybe a little cake too!). Then trot over to the Dairy Barn and Big Barn for a snuggly meet-and-greet - think goats, chickens, bunnies, and even a donkey named Gavin who loves an audience for his special roll! Animal enthusiasts will have a blast at Island Hill Farm!

Our party packages are held at Jelly Bean Lane in the Dairy Barn, a cozy space for 20 guests (We recommend 1 adult for every 5 children, included in the 20) with room for presents and snacks. Need more space? No prob! Add extra pals for just $10+tax each, up to a total of 30 guests. Let's get this farm fiesta started!

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Time Zone: Atlantic Time