Lauren began her journey with massage in 2015 following a transformative trip to Indonesia in the aftermath of a significant sports injury. Seeking to deepen her understanding of bodywork, she ventured back to Asia in 2018, immersing herself in studies across Thailand, Bali, Singapore, and Malaysia. Lauren's massage focuses on calming the nervous system and incorporates conscious breathwork, fluid, integrative strokes, broad compressions, myofascial tractioning, and assisted stretching. Lauren employs a deliberately slow technique in order to find the most thoroughly effective points of engagement, while inviting clients to relax and breathe deeply into their experience.
Whitney loves to analyze issues within the body and look at them like a puzzle, working until the pieces fit back together in a way that alleviates day-to-day pain, stress, or tension. She communicates with clients throughout the massage to target those super tense areas and help them relax, all the while listening to how the body is responding. One of her specialities is shoulder attachment and pec release, making her an excellent choice for anyone working at a desk or who has postural issues. Whitney LOVES super deep work, with a mix of relaxation and trigger point therapy, so you’ll be sure to get off the table feeling better than when you came in!