Well Life ABQ and Infusion Clinic ABQ

Well Life ABQ and Infusion Clinic ABQ

Pellet Insertion
A free consult must be scheduled prior to your first pellet insertion appointment.
Please use this link to schedule.

The consult and the insertion can not be done on the same day because labs are usually needed.

Our hormone pellet program is individualized to your needs.
We balance the benefits of hormone replacement with the risks and monitor you frequently. Our program is conservative and our goal is to maintain you within physiologic levels. This goal maximizes the benefits of hormone replacement therapy while limiting the risks associated with higher levels including clots and increased cardiovascular risk.

Our pellets are yam based and meet the highest standards available. We offer testosterone, anastrazole, estradiol and progesterone pellets in multiple doses.

We recommend a mammogram within one year prior to starting estrogen replacement. We recommend a complete blood count and cholesterol testing prior to starting testosterone replacement. These tests can ordered or performed in the clinic. This is how we are best able to evaluate any untoward health impacts replacement might be having.

When choosing hormone replacement therapy, we highly recommend a one-time comprehensive hormone test called the DUTCH. This test thoroughly examines "how" you metabolize hormones. This gives us the most information to replace hormones safely with the least side effects. This test is only available to members of Well Life ABQ.


Renee, our nurse practitioner, has been in the healthcare industry for 13 years. She relocated with her husband to New Mexico in June 2021. Her two fur babies, Rascal and Sox, are her treasures. She also loves weight lifting and yoga. Fun fact - Anything with chocolates and peanut butter? Oh yes, she’s obsessed with it!
Jacqueline is a Family Nurse Practitioner with 21 years of healthcare experience. She has a background in primary care, neurology, and immunology infusions. Jackie is a New Mexico native. She has 3 grown kids and 5 grandkids. She loves to be outdoors, learn new things and wrestle with her grandkids.